SelfDoubtLast night I went to sleep with all hopes and dreams filling my heart feeling so complete. I dreamt of an obtainable future, standing on my own paving a way in life a life I can be proud of.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”


Today I awake to the one motivation killer “Self-Doubt”.  Suddenly I’m filled with fear. Fearful of what my future I guess it’s very strange that one minute I’m hopeful next mintue I’m afraid.  This fear this self-doubt has gripped me hitting me right in the stomach where after first its numb then turns into knots really intense knots.  The stress of dealing with this is unbearable at times.


Why do I have these dangerous thoughts?  Why do I feel like my best isn’t good enough?  I realize that this journey isn’t going to be paved with streets of gold.  In order to get to the other side I must go through the lows.


Now I will turn on my halo in the darkness.  It will shine brightly and lead me out of this shadow.  I am not a failure and the stress of self-doubt I placed upon myself won’t win.  Today I will take charge and ownership of my life and tomorrow well only God knows about tomorrow.

And the saga continues…….


Be Kind💜

Be Creative📑

  Drink Responsibly 🍸🚖🚔