we all have to take ownership of our actions, if a person can’t own up to their dirt maybe they shouldn’t be slinging it. As I sit here listening to my favorite song that sings about looking at yourself and what you are doing and showing love, compassion to your enemy wishing them more my heart is torn apart.  Every time I allow myself the luxury of having compassion for this woman she turns around and stumps on that.
I learned not to expect much from people.  One thing is certain we all have our issues.  The issues shouldn’t dictate who we are but how we react. No matter what my feelings are toward this woman I have to be compassionate because my energy that I put out there will come back.  I want that ripple effect to be a positive vibe.
Hello I’m Sunny Larue blogger, writer, music lover and martini admirer.
My blogs are about self-discovery with a positive vibe.
My stories are about love and loss inspired by real life events.
Today’s post is about how to deal with nasty people when you’re struggling with an mental disorder.


People who aren’t the best for you love to invade your life without an invitation. Sometimes it’s best to keep it moving going high while they go low but it’s very difficult to continue to give respect to those who abuse that right. What do you do when faced with hitting that red brick wall.
Hello I’m Sunny Larue blogger, writer, music lover and martini admirer.
My blogs are about self-discovery with a positive vibe.
My stories are about love and loss inspired by real life events.
Today’s post is about how to deal with nasty people when you’re struggling with an mental disorder.… Read More THE SHE-DEVIL


“I been listening to my playlist that consist of my favorite bands and songs. Been watching some TV Netflix anything to up lift my spirits. I’m forcing myself to write. The clicking of the keyboards coupled by the soothing music from my playlist is very calming and relaxing.” I’m Sunny Larue the professional martini drinking blogger and storyteller. My writings are about self-discovery, life and loss inspired by real life events. Today blog post is part three and the conclusion of my manic depression meltdown. Dealing with mental disorder such as depression is both mentally and physically draining. It’s good to have people in your corner to help ease back into reality. Thank you for reading and if you like to know more please check out my other blogs and short stories. Feedback is always welcomed.… Read More OVER THE HUMP


I’m one of twenty-six people in this group of friends. Some being friends since elementary our group grew over time to what it is now. This one friend always singling me out as her black white friend. She goes on to introduce me as the friend who don’t speak Ebonics or liking black men basically anything black. This friend is Armenian who is married to a white Irish guy given her background she should know better. In the professional working world no CEO or hiring manager will hire someone speaking Ebonics. I didn’t get my job with a fortune 500 environmental firm solely on my speaking “Ebonics”skills. Forget about my seven certifications needed to maintain my job, forget about my attendance awards, forget about my college education no it’s my ability of use in Ebonics that my employer found attractive. Hello I’m Sunny Larue blogger, writer, music lover and martini admirer. I blog about my transformation of self-discovery with a positive vibe. My stories are about life lessons inspired by true events and this is my story.… Read More RENCONTREZ MON AMI NOIR ET BLANC My Black White Friend


Hello my name is Misery have we met? Many of us have met Misery at some point in our lives. Misery can be a dangerous path to follow. Just because Misery loves company doesn’t mean you have to accept the invite.
I’m Sunny Larue blogger, writer, music lover and martini admirer. My writings are about self-discovery love and loss inspired by real life events.
Here’s my latest.… Read More HELLO MY NAME IS MISERY


Sipping on my blonde medium roast vanilla sweet coffee I’m taking in the scene and taken aback by who people with different backgrounds and beliefs are having a heart to heart conversation without any anger. This is the Starbucks Experience.
Hi I’m Sunny Larue blogger, writer, music love and martini drinker. My blogs are about self-discovery. My stories are about love and loss inspired real life events. Here’s my latest… Read More THE STARBUCKS EXPERIENCE