Hello all you warriors or words, wow for the third time this week I been nominated for a blogging award. I can’t tell you enough how grateful and humble I am with this second nomination. This nod comes from my friend and fellow blogger Jessica Mathis. Jessica is a blogger whom I considered to be champion of our community. Giving her time and knowledge so generously, I am grateful we connected. I can go on about Jessica but if you want to see how awesome she is follow her blog The Unplug Initiative and follow her on twitter @jessciamathis88 and don’t forget to subscribe. A personal thank you to Jessica for your continued support. Read Jessica’s answers: (Sunshine Blogger Award).



What is The Sunshine Blogging Award? It’s a award given within the blogging and writing community in support of other bloggers and writers for their thoughtfulness and generosity, spreading positivity, show of support as the community connects together. Anyone can nominate their favorite blogger/ writer or someone who made an impact.


“Rules of The Sunshine Blogger Award”
Rule 1.- Thank the person who nominated you, provide a link back to their blogging sites.
Rule 2.- Answer their questions.
Rule 3.- Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
Rule 4.- Notify the nominees about their nomination via their blog or social media.
Rule 5.- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in you post.


Answers To Jesscia’s Questions………

1.- Who is a personal hero to you?
a- My oldest sister is my hero. She was always there for me when everyone else abandon me or let me down, she is the light at the end of a dark tunnel.

2.- If you could be one animal for a day, what would you choose?
a- I would say my chihuahua dog qtip. She is spoiled rotten & gets whatever she wants with little to no working for it.

3.-What’s your favorite blog post that you’ve written?
a- I have two one about my transformation “Repair My Armor” & the other about the lost of my mother “Autumn”.

4.-Why did you choose your blog name?
a- my blogging name is a nickname given to me by my family and friends it’s because I always have a smile on my face bright and sunny as the sun.

5.- If you and I were to hang out for a day, what would you want to do?
a- I would take you to my favorite writing places in hopes these unusual places inspire you.

6.- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
a- Living in Scotland working as a successful author and blogger.

7.- What is an underrated song or artist that you want to call more people’s attention to?
a- This is a tough one because I have 2 artists that comes to mind both are my favorite I would say KT Tunstall. She’s is a brilliant song writer but her voice is so angelic. Her music brings me comfort in a time where my world is chaotic.

8.- If you had to pick a favorite song, what would it be? If you can’t, what are a few that come to mind?
a.- This is easy again I have 2 the first one is Battle of My Own by Def Leppard because if you listen to the lyrics it’s how I feel when dealing with my mental disorder one particular lyric comes to mind “Wake up screaming night time it just won’t wait so learn to love the things you hate”.
a.- The second one literally has changed my life that song is Feel The Love Go by Franz Ferdinand this song has help me come out of my fog and helped deal with folks who aren’t as nice. There’s a particular lyric “Think of a friend and wish them love, Think of an enemy like them wish them all your love” wow that right there is powerful.

9.- Do you write for a living? If so, do you just make money off your blog, or do you do other writing? If not your blog, how else does writing earn you an income?
a.- No I wish I can be clever enough to make a living writing at this very moment. As for my blog making money in the 2 years that I have this blog it only made a total of $2.14 don’t ask me how. I have a full time job which is the source of my posts.

10.- How long have you wanted to be a writer?
a.- All my life. I been writing in journals since I can write. My writing started out as writing lyrics them turned into poems which morphed into blogs.

11.- Do you play any instruments? If not, what would you love to learn how to play?
a.- Yes & No, when I was younger I played piano, flute, guitar and accordion. I can read and write music as well. I stopped when I graduated from HS I don’t know why music plays such a huge role in my life. I just lost the feel.

Thank you Jessica for those intriguing fun questions.


And The Nominees Are…….

1. @my_simplemind
2. @tiffanys_blog
3. @aidenhatfield
4. @pigletish
5. @thislifeasD
6. @caralisette
7. @cieloscent
8. @InsecureHW
9. @sydneysjourney
10. @disorderSad
11. @dogsndungarees


My Questions For The Nominees

1. What was your first concert?
2. What is your favorite lyric from a song that moved you?
3. What advice would you give someone who is first time blogger?
4. Describe in one world your personality.
5. What is your favorite movie?
6. While out enjoying a day of leisure what would you purchase a book to read or new CD?
7. Favorite place to write.
8. When was the last time you had a real good cry?
9. What blog post are you more proud of? & Post the link.
10. Best piece of clothing to wear?
11. Last movie you seen


Well that is fun. It’s always good to get to know fellow bloggers and have them get to know you. Good luck to all nominees and a special thanks to Jessica for the nomination. Please support these fine group of bloggers but subscribing to their website and follow them on social media.

Until next time…..


  1. kristianw84 Avatar

    Congratulations on the award!! I really enjoyed reading your answers!!

  2. Jessica Avatar

    I loved your answers! A fellow music lover and long-time writer. I saw a tweet of yours that talked about concerts. You’ve seen Def Leppard and franz Ferdinand a LOT! I am impressed. You’ve also intrigued me about KT Tunstell. I may have to give her a listen. I only know her one big single. I wish you all the luck in getting to your successful writer years in scotland! Thanks for sharing your awesome answers and for the shout out. You’re doing wonderful work in the blogging community and I have no doubt you can be successful!

  3. Avatar

    Congratulations to you and all the nominees!! xo

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